Make Those Little Tasks Even Easier
Meg here and I know that if I find any opportunity to save some time, I jump on it. There are plenty of little tasks that can be cut down in the office, allowing you to put your time and effort toward larger, more important projects.
- Start with a priority list! My day goes along so smoothly when I spend a couple of minutes in the morning organizing my to-do list. While not every day follows right along with the list, I can save myself some time by keeping on track of the main projects that need to be completed throughout the day.
- If your job is anything like mine, you have quite a bit of mail to send out during the day. All that time spent preparing envelopes for the post office really takes a toll on my day. I’ve started using this neat Envelope Moistener with Adhesive to quickly seal the envelopes I need to send. I also try to set aside time in my day to just focus on mail rather than taking several trips to the post office box.
- Some days it seems that I spend most of my time at the paper shredder! But since we’ve put an Auto Feed Shredder in our office I’ve been able to save so much time. All I need to do is put the papers on the tray and the shredder does the rest of the work for me. It’s so nifty!
- A tidy desk is a time saving desk! At the end of the day I take a few minutes to clean up my desk and prepare for the next day. I love starting out my day with a clean desk instead of spending time neatening up a mess from the day before. It’s so much easier to start fresh and be prepared for the day ahead of me.
- Every minute saved counts, which is why I use Print-On Dividers! I can prepare the documents on my computer then just send them to print on the dividers directly, without needing to spend time filling out labels. It’s one of the simplest and biggest time savers I have.
These time saving tips are great for helping you stay on task without overworking yourself or filling your schedule with extra chores! For more great ways to save yourself time and worry in the office, take a look HERE.
Till next time, Meg